Unleash Your Entrepreneurial Potential and Achieve Effortless Success

The Truth About How To Sell 20 Million A Year and Exit Before Age 30

Episode 22 w/ Marc Lafleur

Are you torn between what kind of business to start and how you’re going to take the leap of faith into your first startup?

Meet our featured guest, Marc Lafleur. Marc is a serial entrepreneur whose company, TruLocal, hit the $20M a year in revenue mark — and later sold for $16.7M. This was all before Marc hit the age of 30. However, Marc’s success didn’t come without prior failed startups and adversity as a black founder. Now with his book True Founder, he speaks publicly about what no one else has the guts to teach you about starting your first business.

This dialogue unearths the stories and breakthroughs of Marc`s entrepreneurial path and will help you learn:

  • How to deal with outsourcing fires and deciding whether it makes sense to do so 
  • How to decide whether a venture-backed or lifestyle business fits your risk appetite and circumstances
  • How to quickly model out whether starting a business makes financial sense
  • How to look at your own personal finances before going all in — alongside strategies to uplift your mood and set boundaries day to day
  • How to know if you’re going too slow or too fast in your daily hustle

Buy the True Founder Book Here

  • Principles (Ray Dalio)
  • Can’t Hurt me Book (David Goggins)
  • The Hard Thing About The Hard Things (Ben Horowitz)
  • Hamilton on Disney (Lin Manuel Miranda)

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